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Matt Lunsford 

Combined Arms manhunting

The course goes over manhunting with different tactics and technology.  Introduces students to manhunting using a combination of K9 units in leapfrog tracking, use of drones for aerial security and clearance of areas, using a drone to give announcements, hand-held thermals, and how to use them.  Helicopters when needed and boat insertions. It also covers a basic tracking team setup and how to re-discover a track if missing clues.  The classroom must be able to use a power point which has a lot of photographs and videos.  Some basic tracking information is included but just so they understand the terms I use.  


Canine Legal Update: PATROL DOGS

 This block of instruction will focus on criminal and civil litigation related to police service patrol apprehension dogs.  Specific attention will be placed on the use of force and current trends throughout the United States Court of Appeals.


Power biting lecture

“Power Biting” is a combination of training techniques that have been systematically designed to enhance your K-9 partner’s bite, while greatly reducing the risk of injury during intense training for the dog as well as the decoy. There are many benefits to employing this system such as; increased depth and bite pressure, reduction/elimination of handler conflict, stop transfer bites, greater speed of entry, reflex response to pressure, improved targeting, and tremendous cardiovascular conditioning.

Drew Dubnyk 

Class Name: The Gap: from Equipment to Live Engagement 

This class will speak to a variety of training methods used to bridge the gap from green dogs on bite equipment to their first live engagements on the street. The primary focus will be on muzzle training while talking about a variety of methods and tools to create a street-worthy K9. It is our duty as trainers to create operationally reliable canines. We do our best to bridge this gap prior to new dogs hitting the street because lives could depend on a dog's first engagement. 


Kenny Williams 

Interdiction Mastermind

This course is intended to give police officers a clear understanding of what it means to be an effective criminal interdiction officer. The instructor, Sergeant Kenny Williams, will break down piece by piece the tactics and mindset utilized by proactive police officers. The course covers the importance of vehicle selection for a pre-textual stop and will go through how and why he chooses specific vehicles. Having this knowledge will save countless hours of trial and error. “Interdiction Mastermind,” will also cover why criminals join criminal enterprises, common drug routes, body language, deceptive behavior, and common-sense approaches to understanding reasonable suspicion. Moreover, Williams will discuss effective demeanor and language to be utilized by officers during their interaction with potential offenders.


The course includes several video clips from Williams’ actual stops, in order to show and explain exactly what he found suspicious. Williams will also be answering any questions that are posed, offering his successful perspective on the topic. The amount of understanding and confidence officers will take away after the completion of the course will serve to be invaluable. Police officers nationwide have gained knowledge from watching Kenny Williams’ motor vehicle stops on video, and now have the opportunity to learn from him firsthand. This really is a rare opportunity to be a part of training that is unlike any other.

Cameron Ford 

Bullet Proof Your Detection:

This Class is a discussion on methods and trends that we see in the detection dog world today.  We will cover all kinds of topics from training to deployment, K9 certifications, science vs experience, myth-busting, handler education, and record-keeping tips. Cameron covers what we are seeing in the detection world and how to navigate all the information that is commonly discussed in today's detection dog industry.  This class is for handlers and trainers and is designed to create open discussion and to help them become better and more prepared as a detection dog team and the many challenges K9 teams face today.

Mike Lilley


PowerPoint terminology methodology psychology bite work on tracks? To Do or Not to Do How to implement bites on tracks Tracking training traditional methods vs. article-based vs. odor-based Hard surface tracking Grass and woods tracking Scent discriminatory tracking with distraction Article indications of evidence search Reality based scenarios in tracking and article indication Deployments Perimeters E-collar education


Steve White

Class 1 - Solid Scentwork

A back-chained approach to scent training that uses scientifically-validated techniques.


Class 2 - Thousand-Hour Eyes (Scenting Dogs)

A systematic approach to reading scenting dog behavior that cuts the time it takes to learn the skill by two-thirds by building a scent indicator database

Dan Villarino 

Increasing success of K9 tracking teams.

This class is designed to assist handlers with ways to improve their tracking program.  An in-depth look into skill building, problem-solving, environmental influences, and deployment/training techniques.  Emphasis on novice K9 teams to build upon their current abilities and avoid creating/continuing bad habits.

James Ljunggren

Class 1 - Post-blast Search Operations During a Terrorist Attack

This training program is designed to provide participants with the knowledge of explosive odor imprinting of detection canines with the correct energetic materials to enhance the effectiveness and capabilities of their canine teams. The training allows the handlers to understand the science involved and the ability to locate target odors during a canine search operation. This program also enhances the canine handler’s knowledge of how to search for and locate secondary devices in the post-blast area. During this class, there will be an in-depth review of working detection canines in a deadly terrorist attack and lessons learned from the canine deployments in the post-blast environment.


Class 2 - Vapor Signatures of Double-Base Smokeless Powders and Gunshot Residues for Supporting Canine Odor Imprinting

This class will focus on utilizing detection canines to detect concealed firearms provided that they are imprinted on the correct materials related to gunshot residue and smokeless powders. Imprinting vapor(s) will assist detection canines to generalize across a variety of smokeless powders and gunshot residues.  During the study of these vapors in the lab, measurements were taken to track changes over time on the spent casings and gun barrels of four types of ammunition. The observed vapor concentration residues were in the part-per-billion to part-per-trillion range, which would be challenging to detect for many field-deployed explosive vapor detectors and indicate the continued importance of canines for forensic investigation and crime prevention. Understanding the correct vapors found in the headspace of gunshot residue can be utilized for imprinting detection canines as they age. The study presented in this class tracked the vapor signatures up to 7 weeks after discharge.

This class will also cover the correct storage of canine training aids, vapor availability, and imprinting strategies.

Scott Clark - High Drive K-9 

Class - Building Street Beasts: Failure is not an option

High Drive K-9 will be presenting an honest, explosive, disciplined class dealing solely with K-9 engagement issues, relating to K-9 Bite Building and Problem-Solving strategies. Providing the essential techniques and strategies to properly prepare K-9 teams for the road is what this is all about. Failure is not an option and this course will help each handler gain a better understanding of how to build, strengthen, and prepare K-9 Teams for real-life combat. During this class, you will be provided with advanced training techniques, exercises, and strategies to succeed under the extreme stress you will face during a K-9 engagement.  You will be instructed with a positive, open-minded approach, providing you with many of the necessary tools for success. This class dives into topics such as: Canine Aggression, Muzzles, Hidden Sleeves, Ground Fighting, Combat Training, True Scenario Training, and much more. This course will build and strengthen K-9 teams, preparing and providing them with the awareness and skills to deploy with skilled and dependable “Street Beasts”.

Jim O’Brien - NC K9 LLC

Class: Benefits Of the Bite Table

The Bite Table has been a tool that has been getting more use in the last few years. This class will explain and demonstrate the multiple uses of the Bite Table from obedience to bite work. Different table designs will be shown and demonstrated. You will have a thorough knowledge of the table and be able to apply the techniques after the class!

Eric Stanbro 

Class  - Removing The Conflict From Your Training: 

 Eric will discuss all the things you and your training program have been doing over the years that lead to conflict between the handler and K9. Eric will show you how to clean up the conflict in your obedience, bite work, verbal out, recall, and how you’re living with your dog. 



Class  - Scenario-based training

Ted covers how to best plan, design, and run scenarios for in-service training.  We address skills for handlers, dogs, and decoys.  We show some deployments and how to recreate them in training.

Paul Shaughnessy - Excel K9 Services

Class: K-9 Selection, Imprinting, Search Patterns, Communications & Full Overview of Starting & Finishing a Detection K-9   

This class will include teaching the dog to conduct a productive search pattern during each deployment through the use of training aid placement. We cover the use of different leashes, equipment, distractor odors / negative training aids. This is set up as an interactive PowerPoint with videos, a question/answer time, and a seven-page handout.


Class: Basic K9 exam and vital signs

Canine Individual First Aid Kit Contents - when and how to apply these contents in the field. Canine CPR and when to use Narcan.

Day 1 - Lecture

Day 2 - Hands-On


Class: Problem-Solving

Our problem-solving course utilizes learning theories and other practical approaches to dealing with common issues that arise with working dogs. In this course, we will discuss the framework we use to delve into finding solutions for these problems. Following this system will help with bite work, detection, tracking, and obedience issues. This is a step-by-step process that is applicable across disciplines.

Howard Young and Rich Hardin

Class: On Your Mark 2.0

Howard and Rich go into depth about the benefits of using conditioned reinforcers in the training of police dogs. Handlers are not always aware that they are reinforcing behaviors. They may in fact be reinforcing the unwanted behaviors. The purpose of the class is to help handlers understand the power of conditioned reinforcers and how to incorporate them into their training regimen.

Mike Goosby

Class: Perimeters, Search Team Tactics, and Command Post Operations

The perimeter portion of the class will provide the student with instruction from the boots-on-the-ground perspective on how to contain and capture suspects who have fled to evade arrest by effectively establishing a perimeter, communicating tactical broadcasts during foot pursuits, the responsibilities of responding units, what the suspect is thinking, his tricks to evading arrest, perimeter management, as well as command and control. The goal is to increase your dog's chances of getting out of the car and being utilized to search for outstanding suspects and increase your dog's find ratio.

The K-9 search team tactics portion will cover K-9 search team configurations (patrol, all K-9, SWAT), the individual K-9 search team member responsibilities, effective REAL WORLD K-9 search team tactics, and K-9 search tactics for yard-to-yard and building environments.

Michele Maughan & Jenna Gadberry

Class: Revenge of the Nerds: Debunking Detection Pseudoscience

As quoted in the movie Revenge of the Nerds, "Those nerds are a threat to our way of life!". 


Well hold onto your leashes and pocket protectors because this quote is absofreakinlutely true and these instructors (aka science geeks) are going to take you on a wild ride through: 

  • basics of K9 training aids, 

  • odor detection,

  • how science can inform your K9 operations. 

A "lessons from the lab" smattering of past and present DOD R&D projects will also be covered. Grab a beer, sit down, and get comfy, "No one is really going to be free until nerd persecution ends!"


Robin Van Metre, VMD, K9 MEDIC Lead Instructor/Advisor

Class : The (Non-Trauma) Top Topics to Support and Protect Your K9… for Dog's Sake!

  1) Airway Hazards: When play rewards become perilous.  How to prevent and how to respond.

Your K9 performs perfectly and turns towards for their reward.  Tragically, in some cases, that same ball reward has been deadly.  We'll review the risks of ball rewards and how to choose a #PlayitSSSSafer reward.  Then we will teach you the now viral K9 MEDIC XXT™ procedure to save your K9s life for airway hazards include ball toys.

  2) Beating the Heat: Performance,  Prevention, and Saving Lives

Did you know that the leading cause of preventable deaths, across all types of Working K9s, is Heat Emergencies?  We'll cover actual cases specifically highlighting explosives detection K9s and you'll learn new ways to assess and support your K9 through cooling, hydration and work-cycle strategies.

 3) GDV: What do we know?

So many questions.. What is it? And what do we know about the Why/How of it?  What can do you do to prevent it?  What can you do to treat it? What should you not do?  We will answer all of these and more for this commonly requested topic.

  4) Narcan for K9: Right-sizing the conversation

Learn to recognize the environmental risks, assess your K9, and Narcan (Naloxone) administration tips for K9s. Plus combatting some of the myths from the field and the classroom surrounding Narcan for K9s

Mike Pennington

Class: Advanced Patrol Dog School

This course was designed for those handlers wanting to work their K9 in Advanced Patrol Operations.  Understanding the proper use of the dog in this environment is paramount for the safety of all involved and necessary to assist with a tactical resolution decreasing liability.

Here is a brief list of K9 topics covered; Advanced Patrol K9 Gear, K9 Gun Fire, Flashbangs, Distraction Devices, Less than Lethal munitions, Lethal Force Cover, K9’s working with Shields, Advanced Patrol K9 Team Formations and Movements, Tracking and Air Scent Operations, Fatal Funnels, Immediate Structure Entries, Barricaded Subjects, Advanced Building Search Techniques on and off leash, Short vs Long Duration Events, Urban and Rural Deployment concerns, and Increasing deployment to apprehension ratio while decreasing bite apprehension ratio and more…

Each student will learn the best training methods, specific to their dog, for continued improvement and sustainment after this class. All students found that everything learned in this course directly applied to their daily calls for service their very next day back to work.  Our Advanced Patrol Dog School has been rated one of the most efficient, safe, and operational Advanced Patrol Dog Programs in the United States by Tier 1 Military K9 Operators.  

Kenneth Licklider

Class : Obedience to Odor

This class will take handlers deeper into why detection dogs do what they do. Ken will delve into what “drives” are and how they are utilized. The term obedient to odor refers to the dog understanding that odor drives the reward, not the handler. This fast pace class will cover everything from odor imprintation, to reward, to search patterns and the why’s behind each of these components of detection dog training.  Not only is this class highly entertaining, but most of all, it is highly informative.


Danny Parker

Class : Patrol Dog Street Utilization

This class will focus on the do’s and don’ts of using your patrol dogs on the streets these days and it will cover what’s happening to K9 teams, what handlers are facing in court, law suits and best practices for patrol canines. With many anti-police organizations focusing on us, K9 use of force has become a hot topic these days. Law enforcement agencies now more than ever should institute strong policies and procedures for all.

Ricky Farley 

Class : Basic Muzzle training.

This class will help participants learn how to teach canines to fight in the muzzle from the beginning.

Topics covered: Type of muzzles to use, Care of the muzzle, How to condition a dog to the muzzle, Muzzle pull offs, Half muzzle, Soccer playing with the muzzle

Advantages of Muzzle training:

A. Re create any street scenario

B. Combat equipment fixations

C. Enhance genetic fight

Teach Agitators how to fight a dog in muzzle training:

Safety for agitator while fighting

Stop and go's

Fighting while on the ground

Class : Picture training your partner for real street scenarios:

This class has been to taught to some of the elite units around the world any many departments through out America.

Topics covered:

Advance agitation skills for fighting a dog in a muzzle

Why do we need to show our dog different pictures in training

Answer to the Question. Why is it so hard to get a dog to engage a passive person on the street

Ways to pre pair your dog for the street if he want muzzle fight



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